Red Velvet: Concept Queens
The ReVe Festival 2022 : Feel My Rhythm Mini Album
The ReVe Festival 2022 : Feel My Rhythm Mini Album came in 3 versions, 2 Reve versions (Calmato or Capriccioso) and an Orgel version The ReVe Festival 2022 : Feel My Rhythm Mini Album ReVe versions came in either Calmato or Capriccioso. These included the CD, a random sticker (1 of 2), a random bookmark…
Queendom Mini Album
The Queendom mini album came in 3 versions, 2 Queens versions (Gold Cover or Silver Cover) and a Girls version The Queendom mini album Queens versions came in either gold or silver. These included the CD, a random portrait card (1 of 5), a random post card (1 of 5), a random bookmark (1 of…
The ReVe Festival Finale Repackage Album
The ReVe Festival Finale repackage album came in 3 versions, 2 FINALE versions (green or pink) and Scrapbook version The ReVe Festival Finale repackage album FINALE versions came in either pink or green. These included the CD, a random post card (1 of 5), a random photo card (1 of 10) and a 176 page…
The ReVe Festival Day 2 Mini Album
The ReVe Festival Day 2 mini album came in 3 versions, the Day 2 version, the guidebook version, and the KIHNO version. The ReVe Festival Day 2 mini album Day 2 verision came with the CD, random (1 of 5) travel kit (including clue ticket, luggage tag, sticker set, and polaroid photo), a random photo…
The ReVe Festival Day 1 Mini Album
The ReVe Festival Day 1 mini album came in 7 versions. A guidebook version, a KIHNO version and one version for each member The limited version came in 5 versions – one for each member. These included the CD, a “magic kit” which included a ballon, a clue ticket, and magic glasses, a random photo…
Sappy Mini Album
The Sappy Japanese mini album came in two versions, a standard and a limited version The standard version came as a CD and DVD in a jewel case with a small lyrics book and 1 of 6 random photo cards The limited version came as a CD and DVD in a jewel case with Photo…
RBB Mini Album
The RBB mini album was released in a single version. This included the CD, a random photo card (1 of 10), and an 56 page booklet Available here RBB Playlist:
Summer Magic Album
The Summer Magic mini album came in 6 versions. A standard version and one version for each member The standard version included the CD, a random photo card (1 of 5), and a 48 page booklet The limited version came in 5 versions – one for each member. These included the CD, an “ingredients box”,…
The Perfect Red Velvet Album
The Perfect Red Velvet repackage album was released in a CD version and a Kihino version. The CD version included the CD, a random photo card (1 of 10), and an 56 page booklet The CD version can be found here The KIHNO version included the Air-Kit, a random photo card (1 of 5), and…
Maybe another Reveluv will help with it?