The Cosmic mini album came in 14 versions, 2 Photobook versions (Hotel or Midnight Sun), 2 poster versions (Hotel or Midnight Sun), 5 Cosmie versions (1 each member), and 5 Smini versions (1 each member)

The Cosmic Mini Album photobook versions came in either Hotel or Midnight Sun. These included the CD, a 24 page clipbook, a random sticker (1 of 5), a random postcard (1 of 5), a random folded poster (1 of 5), a random photo card (1 of 5) and a 104 page photo book

The Cosmic photobook versions are available here or here

The Cosmic Mini Album poster versions came in either Hotel or Midnight Sun. These included the CD, a folded poster, 4 postcards, 5 random stickers (5 of 10), and a random photo card (1 of 5)

The Cosmic poster versions are available here or here

The Cosmic Mini Album Cosmie versions came in 1 version for each member. These included an NFC CD, a Cosmie keyring, a Cosmie card, a photo stand, a random postcard (1 of 5), a mini poster, and a random photo card (1 of 5)

The Cosmic Cosmie versions are available here or here

The Cosmic Mini Album Smini versions came in 1 version for each member. These included an NFC CD and a random photo card (1 of 5)

The Cosmic Smini versions are available here or here
The Cosmic Playlist
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