Category: The ReVe Festival 2022 – Birthday Mini Album

  • Celebrate


    Celebrate finishes off the Birthday album with a mellow R&B piece. As expected, we get treated to a live performance. Ahh…. Red Velvet vocal paradise!

  • Zoom


    Zoom gives me vibes of the swing bands of the 20’s. I could see a swinger rolling up in a zoot suit, with an oversized fedora.

  • On A Ride

    On A Ride

    On a Ride features a carnival like sound which reminds me of Parade.

  • Bye Bye

    Bye Bye

    I have a strong feeling we will be seeing Bye Bye performed at the next concert.

  • Birthday


    Birthday is another one of those Red Velvet songs that leaves you scratching your head at first listen. Then before you know it, you are craving it and playing it in your head. ZZB anyone?